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As a visual artist, college educator and instructional designer I apply my advanced knowledge of learning psychology, digital technology and visual design principles to creating effective eLearning. Here are some of my instructional career highlights:


  • Twenty three years in higher education.

  • Twenty years teaching digital media in college courses.

  • Twelve years successful facilitation, design, and development of fully online college courses.

  • Two terminal degrees from Tier 1 universities. Ph.D. in Educational Technology degree focused on instructional design and adult learning.

  • Proficient with all major graphics and presentation software and LMS systems.

  • Courses achieve 70% student success scores and 5.0/5.0 student satisfaction scores.

  • Exceptional communication skills in all media. I can make complex information understandable for a wide range of audiences.

  • SME on committee to develop new Instructional Technology and Design Bachelor’s degree program for web or onsite delivery. Wrote rubrics, designed activities and assessments, developed learning paths for individual courses and the overall degree program.

  • Utilize ADDIE, Dick and Carey, Kemp, SAM, Rapid Prototyping models for developing learning paths. Strong analytical and strategic thinking skills.






Texas A & M University, College Station, TX.

Ph.D. Educational Psychology with concentration in Educational Technology

Conducted experimental research into design of online learning environments, measured effects on learner engagement and critical thinking skills. Coursework focused on instructional design and andragogy. Dissertation: The relationships of media, task, spatial presence, and critical thinking in an online tutorial designed to teach art criticism


University of California, Los Angeles, CA.

M.F.A. in Fine Arts

Attended on UCLA Art Council Scholarship. Graduate work included mixed media assemblage, sculpture, photography, oil painting, and video.


University of California, Los Angeles, CA.

B.A.  in Studio Art graduated Cum Laude.

Attended on National Merit Scholarship. Developed expert skills in oil painting, drawing, photography, printmaking, sculpture, mixed media.


The University of Texas at San Antonio, June 2019 to present.

Senior Instructional Designer


Oversees the planning, development and delivery of technology-integrated instructional materials, curriculum, and content. Organizes and presents one-on-one and group workshops.

Plans, designs, implements, and supervises the production and implementation of learning content, with, for and through technology. Supports instruction and training through the creation of various learning resources including printed, audio-visual, and interactive content.

Collaborates with faculty, subject matter experts (SMEs), training coordinators, students and staff on instructional design issues and needs, optimal design of curriculum and instruction, universal design for learning, accessibility, and effective uses of multimedia for K-12 settings, in alignment with ISTE standards.

Stays current on research, practices, and trends in the fields of curriculum, instructional design, and instructional technology, and promotes and supports a culture of innovation and discovery.

Stays current on State-mandated and national technology standards and actively supports their implementation in courses, modules, and workshops.

Also taught graduate course in Dept. of Educational Psychology


TEACH-NOW Graduate School of Education, Jan 2018 to Nov 2019. Remote Faculty


  • Taught fully online Teacher Certification courses and Master of Education courses.

  • Prepared teaching materials using Articulate Storyline and other web 2.0 tools, facilitate synchronous discussions using Adobe Connect and Zoom.

  • Evaluated candidate submissions and media presentations.

  • Provided direction on graduate research proposals.

  • Oral defense committee.

  • Classes taught: Learning in a Digital Age, Managing the Learning Environment, Student Assessments, Planning and Preparation for Learning, Reading and Literacy, Education Research, Research Proposals.


 The Art Institute of San Antonio Jan 2017 to June 2019. Adjunct Faculty.

  • Taught campus-based college level graphic and web design courses. Used D2L Brightspace for blended learning.

  • Classes taught: Digital Imaging, Image Manipulation, Applications and Industries, Emerging Technologies.


The Art Institute of Pittsburgh Online Division Sept 2005 to March 2019 Remote Faculty


  • Working from home. Provided formative and summative feedback to students, identified performance gaps, created solutions.

  • Worked remotely with SME’s on course revisions to develop activities,media and assessments that aligned with learning paths.

  • Presented faculty development at virtual conferences

  • SME on committee to develop new Instructional Technology and Design Bachelor’s degree program for web or onsite delivery. Wrote rubrics, designed activities, and assessments and developed learning paths for individual courses and overall degree program.

  • Tested, analyzed, and evaluated LMS courseware during 12 agile SAM iterations.

  • Producer, designer for a pilot instructional game in Second Life and Moodle.

  • Developed online learning outcomes assessment instrument delivered in eCollege.

  • Received Teaching Excellence Award Dec.2007andrecognitionforHighestSuccessRate2013. Was featured in AIPOD Community Faculty Spotlight May2015.



Wood, N. (2013) The relationships of media, task, spatial presence, and critical thinking in an online tutorial designed to teach art criticism. Accepted for publication in the American Journal of Educational Research

Wood, N. (2012) Spatial presence in virtual learning environments. In S. Gregory, M. J.W. Lee, B. Dalgarno, & B. Tynan (Eds.), Virtual Worlds in Online and Distance Education, Section 1: Themes and Issues. Manuscript submitted for review.

Wood, N. (2011). An Analysis of task structure, media type, learner engagement, and learning outcomes in a tutorial designed to teach learners to critique a work of art. In Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2011 (pp. 480-485). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Wood, N. & Cifuentes, L., (2009). A virtual world for learning. In: M. Avgerinou & B. Griffin (Eds.), Selected readings of the International Visual Literacy Association conference 2008: Engaging creativity and critical thinking. Blacksburg, VA: International Visual Literacy Association.

Wood, N., & Cifuentes, L., (2009) Integrating virtual world spatial presence into constructivist learning. In M. Simonson (Ed.), 2009 Annual Proceedings - Louisville: Volume #1, Selected Research and Development Papers. Association for Educational Communication and Technology




2015 Wood, N. Task analysis of drawing. Poster presentation College Art Association, New York, N.Y. 2014 Wood, N. The relationships of media, task, and learner engagement in an online tutorial to teach

art criticism. Presented to the National Association of Art Education Convention, San Diego, CA. 2011 Wood, N. An analysis of task structure, media type, learner engagement, and learning outcomes, in

a tutorial designed to teach learners to critique a work of art..AACE E-Learn 2011, World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education.

2009 Wood, N., & Cifuentes, L., Integrating virtual world spatial presence into constructivist learning.

Association for Educational Communication and Technology conference.

2009 Wood, N., The effects of spatial presence in virtual reality on learning outcomes. Presented at the Southwest Educational Research Association conference, February 2009.

2008 Cifuentes, L. & Wood, N., A virtual world for learning unity, contrast, and emphasis in instructional message design. International Visual Literacy Association Conference, Blacksburg, Virginia.

2008 Wood, N., Art education, a transformational lens for learning. Accepted for the National Association of Art Educators annual conference; Proposal was accepted but not presented.

2003 Texas Association of Schools of Art Conference co-chair

2003 Texas Association of Community College Teachers Association Conference Graphic Arts and Multimedia Program chair.

2000-2002 Organized workshops for SIGGRAPH 2002 conference Community Outreach committee.



2017 Texas State Governor’s Office on People with Disabilities artist award for National Disability Employment Awareness Month poster.

2017 Featured artist at San Antonio Luminaria Contemporary Arts Festival

2016 One of 10 San Antonio artists selected for the San Antonio Department of Creative and Cultural Development’s Public Artist Mentorship program.

2016 San Antonio Art League and Museum. Ronald C. Keller in Memory of Betty Keller Sponsor Award 2013 EDMC Certificate of Achievement for Highest Student Success Rate.

2007 EDMC Online Higher Education Excellence in Teaching Award (4.75 or higher on IDEA surveys) 2001 ACCD Instructional Innovation Grant

2001 Carl Perkins Fund Internet Teachers at Every College project 1975 UCLA President's Patent Fund Grant

1973-1975 UCLA Art Council Scholarships 1969-1973 UCLA Dean’s Honor List

1969-1973 National Merit Sears Foundation Scholarship-4 years



  • Graphics: All Adobe Creative Suite graphics, animation, video- editing and web design programs including Photoshop, Illustrator, XD.

  • Instructional Design: Camtasia, Captivate, Articulate, InVision, SCORM, Animate, Dreamweaver, HTML5, Javascript.

  • Powerpoint, Excel, Visio, Project Manager, Endnote, SPSS, Amos, Qualtrics, Google Suite, K-12 Learning Apps 

  • Learning Management Systems: eCollege, WebCT, Blackboard, Moodle, Canvas, D2L, Second Life, Thinking Worlds, 

  • Web Conferencing: Adobe Connect, JoinMe, GoToMeeting, ClassLivePro, Skype.


Association for Educational Communication and Technology, National Art Education Association, College Art Association, Association for Advancement of Computing in Education, International Society for Technology in Education.

ciation for Talent Development.

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